How to Add a Paper to the Commit Website?

We use Git to manage updates to the whole commit website.

DO NOT EDIT FILES IN /afs/ (we used to use a different system for this, but we are now using Git).

To add a paper:

  • git clone the commit website at

  • Create a new branch for your changes.

  • Add the PDF file of your paper to /data/papers/. Make sure you add it in the right year (for example, papers of 2020 should be in the folder /data/papers/2020/). If the folder does not exist, feel free to create it.

  • Add a BibTeX entry for the paper in papers.bib. Make sure you add a link to your paper, for example using URL. For example:


  • DO NOT run like before, an admin will do it for you after merging your pull request

  • Commit your changes to git, push them to the repository, and create a pull request.

  • You are done. After merging your PR, an admin will update the server based on the master branch of the git repo.

  • Please keep in mind that the script used to extract information from the file papers.bib expects the BibTeX to be in a certain format. For example, the BibTeX entries have to be between " ". This is why it might be a good idea to copy another similar entry and modify it.

  • If there any issues compiling your added bibtex entry, an admin will contact you before merging. Please look out for mails/comments on the PR to help them fix the bug in a timely manner.

  • Consider sending an email to the commit mailing list to let everyone know about the new paper.